Donate Now

HeadsUpGuys is funded exclusively through public donations. Your support is critical to keeping our resource going.

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We have created the world’s most comprehensive resource for men fighting depression, and in the process, are saving lives. Here are some key statistics that help show the need for HeadsUpGuys.

  • Men die by suicide at a much higher rate than women do (3x times the rate in Canada, the US, and the UK)
  • Suicide is a leading cause of death for men under 50 years old
  • Men are much less likely than women to get help for their mental health

For more information and references, see our Stats on Suicide in Men.

Support the Fight

UBC HeadsUpGuys Donate PageDonations to our resource qualify for a tax credit as HeadsUpGuys is a program of The University of British Columbia (UBC), a registered charitable organization.

  • 100% of donations go directly to supporting our work (our team, website updates and development, ongoing advertising, as well as promotional campaigns and materials).
  • An official tax receipt (issued by UBC) will be sent automatically via email when donations are made online. 

HeadsUpGuys keeps costs low, and we proudly run a lean and well-oiled machine. Thankfully, many of the companies we work with and services we use offer non-profit discounts, allowing your donations to go as far as possible in supporting our resource.

To make a donation, click on the “Make Donation” button below to be taken to our UBC HeadsUpGuys Donation Form (which will look like the image here). This form will automatically fill in the “Make Donation To:” field so your donation will go directly to our Program account: HeadsUpGuys G1745.

Your support keeps us going and helps us provide HeadsUpGuys to men across the globe – giving them tools to fight depression and prevent suicide.

In Honour or Memoriam

For help coping with the loss of a life to suicide, please see our After a Suicide page for help with the grieving process.


For those wishing to make a donation honouring a family member or friend

  • Please contact our UBC Development Office via phone at 604-827-4111 (or 1-877-717-4483) to request to make a donation to “UBC HeadsUpGuys Program G1745”.
  • Provide a family member’s contact information, and our UBC Development Office will reach out to let them know of your contribution.

Asking for donations in lieu of flowers

  • Inform friends and family that you would prefer to have donations made to HeadsUpGuys via options listed here to honour of the passing of your loved one.

To create an In Memoriam page

  • If you or a friend and/or family member would like to honour the memory of a loved one by directing donations to HeadsUpGuys, please reach out to us at, so we can set up a page through UBC, with images and a description of the person you wish to honour.
  • A week or more notice is required for these pages to be set up.

To Make a Donation via Cheque

Donations via cheque need to be made out to “UBC HeadsUpGuys”.


Note the name must include both “UBC” and “HeadsUpGuys” for the UBC Development and Alumni Engagement team to process your donation. Please also email us at to let us know a cheque is on the way.


Cheques should be mailed to:

  • Dr. John Ogrodniczuk
    David Strangway Building
    420 – 5950 University Blvd
    Vancouver, BC  Canada V6T 1Z3

For Canadian residents wishing to receive a tax receipt

  • Please include a brief note indicating as such, along with the address to which the tax receipt should be mailed.

For Non-Canadian residents wishing to receive tax receipt

  • UBC has three international charitable foundations: in the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
  • Please use the contact info on the pages linked above for how best to make a contribution from these foundations, referencing our “UBC HeadsUpGuys Program G1745”.

How is HeadsUpGuys Funded

HeadsUpGuys is a program of The University of British Columbia (UBC), a registered charitable organization. UBC provides office space, financial administration and human resource management. 


UBC does not provide direct funding to support HeadsUpGuys – which is why donations from the public are essential to keep our valuable resource going. 

Organizational Partnerships

If you or an organization you are associated with are interested in partnering with or sponsoring HeadsUpGuys, please see Our Partners page for ways to get involved, and email us at or call Dr. John Ogrodniczuk, the Founder of HeadsUpGuys, directly at 604-822-8034.

Fundraise for HeadsUpGuys

HeadsUpGuys has been supported by a variety of creative and inspiring fundraising initiatives, from walks, runs, motorcycle rides, golf tournaments, memorial hockey games, to silent auctions.

Get more information on how to set up a fundraiser and raise awareness of men’s mental health.

We’re happy to answer any questions about our work or donations at

For other ways to help support HeadsUpGuys, see how to get involved.