In partnership with B.C.’s Community Savings Credit Union, this study surveyed 451 Canadian men about their mental health and how they felt about their places of work. 

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: Online Help Seeking in Men

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on men’s mental health are undeniable. Findings from this survey study of 434 Canadian men demonstrate that the repercussions on psychological well-being will likely be felt for years to come.

Publication List


  • Ostergaard, S. & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2024). Does risk-taking or alcohol misuse mediate the association between anger and suicidal ideation in male depression? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 171, 25-29.
  • Sharp, P., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (In press). Canadian men’s workplace mental health. Cogent Mental Health.


  • Keum, B.T., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Cox, D., Levant, R.F., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Distress disclosure and psychological distress among men: The role of feeling understood and loneliness. Current Psychology, 42, 10533–10542.
  • Sharp, P., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Existential isolation and psychological distress during COVID-19: The role of loneliness and resilient coping in Canadian help-seeking men. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324, 279-285.
  • Sharp, P., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Social support boosts young men’s resilient coping to buffer psychological distress. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17, 784-791.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Sivagurunathan, M., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Oliffe, J.L. (2023). Suicidal ideation among men during COVID-19: Examining the roles of loneliness, thwarted belongingness, and personality impairment. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 64, 401–408.
  • Brown, T.L., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). The influence of meaning in life on psychological distress among men: A serial multiple mediation model involving resilience and loneliness. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 4, 100114.


  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L. & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Virtual connection, real support? A study of loneliness, time on social media and distress among men. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 68, 288-293.
  • Storey, Q.K., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Connecting and healing: The role of existential isolation in mediating the impact of the therapeutic relationship on Canadian men’s mental health outcomes. American Journal of Men’s Health, 16(6), 15579883221136980.
  • Rice, S.M., Trail, K., Walton, C.C., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). An evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale in a sample of help-seeking men. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 1, 22-31.
  • Simpson, N.J., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Social disconnection and psychological distress in Canadian men during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Men’s Health,
  • Simard, A.A.P., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Walther, A., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Job satisfaction and psychological distress among men: Does meaning in life play a role. Behavioral Sciences, 12(3):58.
  • Wilson, M.J., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Toogood, N., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Walther, A., & Rice, S.M. (2022). “Appreciate the little things”: Exploring men’s coping strategies and mental health impacts during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Men’s Health, 16(3), 15579883221099794.


  • Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2021). Reflective functioning and men’s mental health: Associations with resilience and personal growth initiative. Stress & Health, 37, 706– 714.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Walton, C.C., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2021). Male-type depression symptoms in young men with a history of childhood sexual abuse and current hazardous alcohol use. Psychiatry Research, 304, 114110.


  • Seidler, Z. Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020).  Getting them through the door: A survey of men’s facilitators for seeking mental health treatment. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, 1346–1351.
  • Seidler, Z. Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). What gets in the way? Men’s perspectives of barriers to mental health services. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 66, 105–110.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Levant, R.F., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). Male-type and prototypal depression trajectories for men experiencing mental health problems. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 7322;
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Delara, M. & Oliffe, J.L. (2021). Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study of online help-seeking Canadian men. Postgraduate Medicine, 133, 750-759.